
Wedding Father-Daughter Dance Songs

From Matt Fossey Entertainment

Wedding Father-Daughter Dance Songs

This dance is the moment where your father will “let go” of you as his little girl. Traditionally, this dance would have been interrupted part-way through as dad would pass his daughter’s hand to the groom.

Nowadays, you and dad get an entire song together to share in this special moment. And thankfully, although the choice can be tough, there are many amazing songs perfect for your father-daughter dance.

What’s most important is to pick something you both like, and to help, I did some deep digging and was able to find a nicely refined list to help pick the perfect track for your wedding father-daughter dance. 

Wedding Father-Daughter Dance Songs: 

It’s tender, it’s loving, and it’s a moment that’ll have more than a few eyes crying (your dad included). This is a chance for the two of you to pick something together or give the choice up to dad himself. If he’s not sure, just go through a few of his favourite songs or artists with him. Chances are he’s got some great suggestions too!

But, as always, be sure to take a read through the lyrics and ensure they’re appropriate for a father-daughter dance. If there’s a song you both love, but the lyrics aren’t quite on-point for this moment, you can usually find a lovely instrumental version to dance and sway to.

So, when it’s time for the father-daughter dance, make sure you have that wedding-emergency kit handy because you’re probably about to shed more than a few tears too.

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